Corporate Identity

Origin of "COLOPL" Name

We started in 2003 as a private site with the game "Colony Life." When we incorporated in 2008, we based our company name on an abbreviation of our website name, Colony Life☆Plus, as a way to remember how we started.We want to pass on all the benefits of incorporation to our game users in as many ways as we can.

Corporate Logo

image:Corporate Logo

On July 31, 2011, in tandem with the name change and logo change of COLOPL, the platform specialized for location-based games, we changed the corporate identity.By drawing Kuma the Bear, COLOPL's corporate character, in the pin mark that shows location, we have indicated our aim to lead the market as a location game pioneer and to promote people's movement and revitalize regional areas.

Corporate Character

COLOPL's corporate character, "Kuma the Bear" first appeared as an in-game item in Colony Life (known then as "Colony Life☆Plus). At the time, the character existed simply as a game item, however as part of the 1-year anniversary event on October 1, 2009, Kuma appeared as a "Navigator." Since then, Kuma has appeared in various situations as the face of COLOPL.

image:Corporate Character

As numerous developments have occurred, Kuma has also changed steadily with the times. As a result, as an icon of COLOPL's mission, "Entertainment in Real Life," Kuma appears in many different forms, an embodiment of each "new experience" delivered by the company.